
邱晏麟 Yen-Lin Chiu




2016 Chiu YL*, Liang JC, Hou CY., Tsai CC.* (2016). Exploring the relationships between epistemic beliefs about medicine and approaches to learning medicine: a structural equation modeling analysis. BMC Medical Education, (16), 181. [PubMed Abstract]

2016 Chiu YL*, Liang JC, Tsai CC* (2016). Exploring the roles of education and Internet search experience in students' Internet-specific epistemic beliefs. Computers in Human Behavior, 62(2016), 286-291.

2016 Chiu YL*, Liang JC, Mao Pili CM, Tsai CC (2016). Improving health care providers' capacity for self-regulated learning in online continuing pharmacy education: the role of Internet self-efficacy. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 36(2), 89-95. [PubMed Abstract]

2015 Chiu YL, Tsai CC, & Liang JC* (2015). Testing measurement invariance and latent mean differences across gender groups in college students’ Internet-specific epistemic beliefs. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 31(4), 486-499.

2014 Lee WC, Chiu YL., Liang JC, & Tsai CC (2014). Exploring the structural relationships between high school students’ Internet-specific epistemic beliefs and their utilization of online academic help seeking. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 391-400.

2013 Chiu YL, Liang JC & Tsai CC* (2013). Internet-specific epistemic beliefs and self-regulated learning in online academic information searching. Metacognition and Learning, 8, 235-260.

2013 Chiu YL & Tsai CC* (2013). The roles of social factor and internet self-efficacy in nurses' web-based continuing learning, Nurse Education Today, 34, 446-450. [PubMed Abstract]

2013 Chiu YL*, Tsai CC & Fan Chiang CY (2013). The Relationships among Nurses' Job Characteristics and Attitudes toward Web-based Continuing Learning. Nurse Education Today, 33, 327-333. [PubMed Abstract]

2010 Lee YS, Chiu YL*, Liao HL, Chen JT, Lee, FC (2010). Factors Influence the Intention of Utilizing Out-of-Pocket Health Checkup Services: A Sample of Citizens from 12 Townships of Taichung County in Taiwan, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 73(5), 248-255. [PubMed Abstract]

2009 Chiu YL*, Chung R, Wu CS, & Ho CH (2009). The effects of job demands, control and social support on hospital clinical nurses’intention to turnover, Applied Nursing Research, 22(4), 258-263. [PubMed Abstract]

2008 Liao HL, Ma TC, Chiu YL, Chen JT & Chang YS (2008). Factors influencing the purchasing behavior of TCM outpatients in Taiwan, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 14(6), 741-748. [PubMed Abstract]


2019 Chiu, YL, ChenYY 2019, January, Medical students’ utilization of online information sources for academic information searching. APMEC 2020, Singapore.

2017 Ho CH, Chiu, YL*, 2017, July, The influence of online academic information search on students’ epistemic change, LTLE 2017, Hamamatsu, Japan.

2016 Ho CH, Chiu, YL*, 2016, March, Exploring patients' reactions to an Internet health rumor: An explorative study, 2016 ACP, Kobe, Japan.

2015 徐玉珍、劉明德、邱晏麟*,2015,May,網絡輔助的討論型合作學習中非論述性表達與知識建構間的關係,2015 GCCCE, Taipei, Taiwan.

2014 Hsu YC, Chiu, YL*, 2014, November, Role-play in computer-supported collaborative learning-An explorative study, 2014 ICCE, Nara, Japan.

2013 Chiu, YL*, Tsai CC, 2013, November, Exploring the differences of the Internet-specific epistemic beliefs between Taiwanese undergraduates and high school students, 2013 ICCE, Bali, Indonesia.


